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published on 28/03/2024 Are you one of those men who can't resist the call of spicy food? You might be more "manly" than you think! A new French study suggests that there is a correlation between a taste for spicy food and testosterone levels in men. But beware, not everything that burns is gold!

The research team at the University of Grenoble conducted a fascinating study with 114 men of varying ages. They were presented with a simple plate of mashed potatoes without any seasoning and were given the option to add salt or hot sauce as desired. At the end of the meal, they were asked to provide a saliva sample to analyze their testosterone levels. Well, those who opted for a generous serving of hot sauce showed higher testosterone levels compared to the other participants.

However, don't jump to conclusions too quickly! While there appears to be a clear correlation between a taste for capsaicin (the spicy element in chili peppers) and testosterone levels, researchers warn that it is not yet clear if there is a true causal relationship. It could just be a coincidence or other factors may be at play.

But why do men with high testosterone levels seem so attracted to spicy food? One explanation could be that regular consumption of spicy food may actually increase testosterone levels, although this has only been demonstrated in mice so far. Additionally, men with high testosterone levels tend to be more inclined to take risks, which could lead them to overindulge in spicy food just to demonstrate how bold they are.

And there's another intriguing possibility: some may be attracted to spicy food simply to impress others. After all, individuals with high testosterone levels often exhibit a strong competitive spirit and enjoy standing out from the crowd.

So, dear spicy food lovers, don't worry too much if your dish burns more than usual. It could just be your testosterone shouting, "Look how daring I am!" And if you want to add a bit more spice to your life (literally), Peperita is here to help you out!