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published on 20/07/2024 Have you ever taken a bite of something so spicy that it felt like your breath was on fire? Well, you're not alone! Let's find out together what makes our food spicy and why it might be a good idea to keep challenging our taste buds with these fiery spices.

Why Is Food Spicy?
When we bite into something spicy, our body responds with a sensation of warmth or even burning in the mouth. This reaction is caused by the spicy compounds present in chili peppers and other spices. Here are the main culprits:
  • Capsaicin: Found in various types of chili peppers, from bell peppers to hot chilies.
  • Piperine: The spicy element in black pepper.
  • Mustard glycosides: Found in mustard and horseradish.
  • Allicin: The secret of garlic.
  • Gingerol: The spicy magic of ginger.
These compounds stimulate the pain receptors in our body, increasing blood circulation and creating that sensation of warmth that we all know and, strangely, many of us love.

Spicy: Not Just a Flavor
Interestingly, spiciness is not technically a taste like sweet, sour, or salty. In fact, it is a painful reaction that our body perceives similarly to a taste. So, when we say something is spicy, we are actually describing a sensation of pain that our brain processes as a taste experience.

Is Eating Spicy Food Good for You?
The short answer is yes! Spicy food has many health benefits, mainly thanks to capsaicin, the compound found in chili peppers. Here are some of its positive effects:
  • Increases sweating: This is not just an inconvenience but a natural mechanism that helps cool the body, particularly useful in hot regions of the world.
  • Antibacterial effect: Capsaicin has anti-inflammatory properties, and foods containing it tend to last longer.
  • Stimulates digestion: It increases the production of gastric juices, helping to better digest fatty foods.
  • Improves circulation: Capsaicin has a vasodilatory effect that can improve blood circulation and stimulate the circulatory system.
  • Dental health: Spicy food increases salivary flow, which can have positive effects on dental health.
So, the next time you feel brave, add a bit of spice to your meal. Not only will you give your food a burst of flavor, but you'll also do your health a favor. And remember, when you feel that burn, it's not just your palate waking up, but your whole body receiving a bit of spicy love!