Home » Recipes » Side dish » Fried Potato Skins


Calories: 312 Kcal

Preparation time: 20 min

Cooking time: 20 min

Difficulty: very easy

Cost: very low
For 4 people:
  • Peelings from 10 potatoes
  • Various spices Peperita: Chilisecret Peperita and/or Peperita Herbs and/or Peperita Picca Pizza
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil for frying
  1. Potato Preparation:
    • Wash, brush, and dry the whole potatoes thoroughly.
    • Peel the potatoes and collect the peelings. If necessary, dry the peelings again.
  2. Seasoning:
    • Season the peelings with the Peperita spices of your choice.
  3. Frying:
    • Fry the peelings in plenty of hot oil until they are golden brown and crispy.
    • Drain the peelings on kitchen paper towels to remove excess oil.
  4. Serving:
    • Salt the peelings and serve them hot with sauces of your choice.
Enjoy your meal!

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