Home » Recipes » Side dish » Green Beans in Tomato Sauce


Calories: 90 Kcal

Preparation time: 20 min

Cooking time: 40 min

Difficulty: very easy

Cost: very low
Green beans in tomato sauce are a versatile and easy-to-prepare side dish, perfect for many occasions. By using fresh green beans and tomato pulp, you'll get an even more flavorful dish, perfect for mopping up with bread.

To prepare this delicious recipe, you will need 600 grams of green beans, 400 grams of peeled tomatoes or tomato pulp, one clove of garlic, extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, and touch of spiciness, some Jalapeno Peperita bio no. 5 chili pepper. If you prefer a more aromatic flavor, you can add fresh basil, which goes very well with tomatoes.

Start by trimming the green beans and cutting off the ends, then wash and drain them well. In a high-sided saucepan, sauté a bit of oil with a clove of garlic cut in half. Add the green beans and let them soak up the flavor from the sauté.

At this point, add the tomatoes and a bit of water. When it starts to simmer, lower the heat to medium, season with salt, pepper and chili Jalapeño, and let it cook for about 40 minutes. In the end, your green beans in tomato sauce will be ready to enjoy. Bon appétit!

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