Home » Recipes » Snack » Smoothie Snack


Calories: 130 Kcal

Preparation time: 10 min

Difficulty: very easy

Cost: very low
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 ripe peach
  • Strawberries, as needed
  • 1 teaspoon of Banana Pepper n2 (or another spice of your choice)
  • Milk (cow's or plant-based), as needed
  • Wash the banana, peach, and strawberries thoroughly. Peel the banana if necessary and cut all the fruit into pieces.
  • Place the cut fruit into a blender.
  • Add the teaspoon of Banana Pepper n2 (or your chosen spice).
  • Pour milk (cow's or plant-based) into the blender. The amount depends on the desired consistency of the smoothie. Start with a little and add more milk if needed to facilitate blending.
  • If you prefer a sweeter smoothie, add sugar, honey, stevia, or maple syrup to taste.
  • Blend all the ingredients until smooth and homogeneous.
  • Pour the smoothie snack into a glass or cup. You can garnish with slices of fresh fruit or a mint leaf if desired.
Now you have a delicious smoothie snack ready to enjoy, perfect for a healthy and nutritious breakfast or as an energizing snack during the day.

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